Precise Vision
Dr. Bindu Patel
Therapeutic Optometrist
Schedule your Exam Online Today
Patient Forms
Please download the patient form, print, and bring in to your appointment.
Please take few moments to review our Notice of Privacy Policy. We have attached it here for you to download and review. Your privacy is very important to us and we strive to protect it.

Contact lens Insertion and Removal Training
Congratulations on being fit with contact lenses! The first week is filled with excitement mixed with some frustration learning how to use your new contacts. We want you to succeed and have installed a training video link at the bottom of this section to refresh your memory of your training session in the office. Please be patient learning how to use these new vision devices, they really are worth it!

Do not continue to wear a contact lens if the eye is irritated or red and does not settle after 20 minutes after inserting the lens. If the eyes swell or become itchy with the contact lens or solution, remove the lenses and notify the office immediately. Remember to build up your wear time starting at 4 hours the first day and adding 2 hours every day till you build up to 10-12hours. And lastly, do not forget to have your contact lenses on before you return for the follow up at least 2 hours prior to the appointment.
value. ​quality care. convenience.