Precise Vision
Dr. Bindu Patel
Therapeutic Optometrist
Schedule your Exam Online Today
payment policy
We currently accept cash, debit, credit card: Visa, Master, Discover​, and American Express for payment.
Following are the insurance plans which we currently accept.
If your plan is not listed, we will be unable to file a claim on your behalf. However, we can provide you with an itemized receipt that you can submit to your insurance company to instruct them to send reimbursements directly to you.
Please be aware that with any insurance plans, there may be deductibles and copayments for which you could be responsible. Please bring your insurance card, and photo ID to your appointment.
To better serve you, we need your insurance information at the time the appointment is made so we can verify your benefits and copays prior to your examination.
Accepted plans
Always Vision / Starmount
Davis Vision
Medicare B
Safeguard / Metlife
Superior Vision
United HealthCare
What billing or insurance information will I receive?
​Your copay is due at the time of the exam. Any services that are billable to the insurances will be billed first then we may send you a statement for your portion. However, if we are notified of any uncovered services at the time we verify your benefits we will collect this in addition to your copay at the time of the exam.
​Why are there two co-pays for some insurance plans?
Certain insurance plans break down the vision exam separately from the contact lens fitting/evaluation portion of the exam because not all patients will be utilizing both services. Therefore you may be subjected to an exam and a fit copay if you are opting to get a contact lens exam versus just an eyeglass examination.

​What does out of network mean?
*Out of network means that we are not a contracting provider for some of the plans with this insurance. If your plan allows you to see an out of network provider you can still come to the office and be seen. For some plans we can bill on your behalf and you can pay your copay and any uncovered items. Please have us check your plan prior to your appointment. We are considered IN-network for certain VSP / EYEMED plans.

value. ​quality care. convenience.